From Rochester heading East:Take I-90 East to exit 41 and take a right turn after the toll booths onto 414 South for 1/10 mile to traffic light. Turn left onto 318 East. Follow 318 until it comes to a "T". Turn left onto Rte 5&20 going East. At intersection of Finger Lakes Mall - Clark St, Rd. turn left then a quick right at Aldi's staying on Clark St. Proceed east for approx. 2/10 mile. Mier Tool is on the right hand side before the RR tracks.From Syracuse heading West:Take I-90 West to exit 40. After the toll booths turn right onto Rte. 34 South. Proceed through Weedsport and into Auburn (about 8 miles.) At the Holiday Inn intersection, take a right onto Rte 5&20 heading West. Proceed to intersection at Finger Lakes Mall turn right into Mall then a quick right at Aldi's staying on Clark St. Proceed East for approx 2/10 mile and Mier Tool is on the right hand side before the RR tracks.
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Web site designed and maintained by Michael MontagnaMier Tool Companysite last updated on 1/25