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Makino PS95 vertical machining center with Fanuc Professional P CNC Control (36.2 X 20.0 X 18.1 Travel)
Wire EDM Makino U3 H.E.A.T. Wire Cut EDM (14.6 X 10.6 Travel with   Z =  8.7)
Engineering Software
Wire and ram EDMs
PTC software
CNC machine tools
RAM EDM Makino EDAF2 CNC Ram EDM with 16 station tool changer (13.9 X 9.8 X 9.8 Travel) drop tank
Charmilles RoboForm 20 CNC Ram EDM with 16 position tool changer (11.81 X 9.85 X 9.85 Travel)  
PTC Creo design software - Pro/Mold Shop package. PTC Creo  Manufacturing complete NC with Expert Machinist package.         
“Quality Mold Builders         of Central New York”
Makino E33 high speed vertical machining center for graphite milling and hard metal machining with Fanuc Pro 5 CNC Control (22.6 X 17.7 X 17.7 Travel)
Mori Seiki SV 50 high speed vertical machining center   with Fanuc 16m CNC Control (31.50 X 20.11 X 19.28 Travel) HPCC controlled (High precision contour control)
Micro-Vue Vector 6x6 Video Comparator
12 X 36 Chevelier hydraulic wet surface grinder
CNC / Manual Toolroom Lathe; 16" x 48" max capacity, 16" swing
made with Xara
Mitsui high precision surface grinder   with digital readout and .00001” fine travel controls Walker electro magnetic chuck (6X12 Travel)
LaserStar Open Laser Welding Workstation - 7800 Series Motorized X-Y-Z work table (Table capacity - 500 lbs)
Facilities Facilities
CNC mill dept
Additional surface Grinders: 2 - Mitsui Hightec Model 200MH 612 6 X 12H Boyar Schultz Challenger Chevalier FSG618 Lathes: Hardinge Speed Collet Lathe Mills: 2 - Series on Bridgeport s both with digital readouts   Drill Presses: Radial Arm Drill Press 8" column   39" arm by Arboga Clausing Variable Speed - 1 1/2 Hp Band Saws: 15" throat DOALL Roll-in saw   Misc: IdealArc TIG 250/250 Lincoln Welder Trinco Sand Blaster, glass bead or sand Cress Heat Treat Furnace (12x13x6.5) 2,000 Degree Sunnen 1650 Honing Machine and stones, & arbors Hyster Fork Lift, 5,500 lb. Capacity           
Our design department utilizes PTC Creo  software with the Pro/Mold Shop package with the Expert Mold Base extension EMX to design all of its molds and tooling. With PTC Creo Manufacturing, our parametric process extends all the way through the CNC build without any file translation difficulties.  The electrodes relate to the cores and cavities while they relate back to the customer provided part.  This minimizes the chances of error throughout the course of producing the tool.
EDM dept
misc equipment
Web site designed and maintained by Michael Montagna Mier Tool Company site last updated on 1/25
Site hits:
CNC lathe
Laser welder
high precision surface grinder